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Title: NNBP_code_Changed Download
 Description: 实现多层神经网络算法的源码,并附带训练学习说明,由于程序没有实现归一化功能, 因此用来训练的样本数据首先要归一化后才能进行训练。 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Shíxiàn duō céng shénjīng wǎngluò suànfǎ de yuánmǎ, bìng fùdài xùnliàn xuéxí shuōmíng, yóuyú chéngxù méiyǒu shíxiàn guī yī huà gōngnéng, yīncǐ yòng lái xùnliàn de yàngběn shùjù shǒuxiān yào guī yī huà hòu cáinéng jìnxíng xùnliàn. Realization of multilayer neural network algorithm source code, and comes with training to learn that, because the program does not achieve normalization function, so the sample data used to train the first to return to training after normalization.
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