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Title: BasicMathCode_txt Download
 Description: Matlab basic mathematical operation code, including various integrals, differentials, linear equations, differential equations, etc.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader ctgubigbug]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
txt\一维数据插值.txt 1234 2017-12-08
txt\二维数据插值.txt 1126 2017-12-08
txt\代数方程组解法.txt 988 2018-01-05
txt\函数的导数.txt 543 2017-12-08
txt\函数的梯度和梯度的模.txt 269 2017-12-08
txt\多维函数偏导数(雅可比矩阵).txt 178 2017-12-08
txt\多重定积分.txt 325 2018-01-05
txt\常微分方程数值解.txt 962 2018-01-06
txt\常微分方程解析解.txt 322 2018-01-06
txt\数值积分.txt 1018 2017-12-11
txt\解线性方程组.txt 157 2017-12-06
txt 0 2018-01-06

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