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设信号 ,用 对x(t)采样得x(n),是否会发生频谱混叠?现利用FFT分析其频谱。 1.编程绘制该信号的波形。 2.若令N=16,编程对x(n)做FFT运算,并绘制其幅频特性曲线。 3.令N=1024,编程对x(n)做FFT运算,并绘制其幅频特性曲线。 4.分析2、3的运算结果。 设计调试报告要求: 1.工作原理简述; 2.设计思路; 3.难点及解决方法; 4.设计、调试结果及分析; 5.程序文本及操作步骤。-based signal used to x (t) in the sample x (n), whether there will be a spectrum aliasing? FFT analysis is the use of their spectrum. 1. Programming mapping of the signal waveform. 2. If so N = 16, the programming of x (n) do FFT, and the mapping of its amplitude-frequency characteristic curve. 3. Order N = 1024, the programming of x (n) do FFT, and the mapping of its amplitude-frequency characteristic curve. 4. Analysis of two, three computational results. Design debugging reporting requirements : 1. Principle outlined; 2. Design; 3. Difficulties and solutions; 4. Design, debugging and analysis of results; 5. Text and operating procedures steps.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48kb Publisher : 魏臻
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