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网上的PC遥控软件还真不少,从电路的简单性和软件的易用性来考虑,我选择了一款名为“PC红外遥控器”的软件(在天极下载)。它虽然是个共享软件,但没有任何的功能限制。现在的版本是1.0B,同时还自带了一个简单的红外接收电路图,很适合我们自己动手来做。从网上下载的“PC红外遥控器”是一个RAR的自解压包,只有278KB,解压后,双击其中的IRCtrl.exe,它会以一个遥控器图标的形式放在系统的托盘里。单击它,就可以打开“PC红外遥控器”的设置界面。具体的设置方法后面再讲,这里我们要用的就是它设置界面里的电路图-online PC remote control software really many, from the simple circuit and software to consider the ease of use, I chose the one called "PC infrared remote control" software (downloaded Inc.). Although it is sharing software, but no functional limitations. Now is the version 1.0B, and also own a simple infrared receiver circuit. very suitable for us to do it ourselves. Downloaded from the Internet "PC infrared remote control" is a self-extracting RAR package, only 278KB, unpacked, double-click the IRCtrl.exe, it will be a remote control device in the form of icon on the system tray. Click it, it can open up "PC infrared remote control" set interface. Specific configuration back repeatedly, here we have to use the interface is that it's set up circuit
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 387.98kb Publisher : junwei

分而治之方法还可以用于实现另一种完全不同的排序方法,这种排序法称为快速排序(quick sort)。在这种方法中, n 个元素被分成三段(组):左段l e f t,右段r i g h t和中段m i d d l e。中段仅包含一个元素。左段中各元素都小于等于中段元素,右段中各元素都大于等于中段元素。因此l e f t和r i g h t中的元素可以独立排序,并且不必对l e f t和r i g h t的排序结果进行合并。m i d d l e中的元素被称为支点( p i v o t )。图1 4 - 9中给出了快速排序的伪代码,,Delphi 赫夫曼编码.rar.rar - 用delhi做的程序实现了哈夫曼编码,做的还不错。,,Delphi -divide and rule method can be used to achieve an entirely different sort of way This sorting called Quick Sort (quick sort). In this approach, n elements is divided into three (group) : Left of the l e f t, Right of g h i r t and middle m i d e d l. Middle contains only one element. Left of the elements are less than equal to the middle element of the right elements are larger than the middle element. So l and f t e r t h i g of elemental independent sort, and no need to l and f t e r t h i g ranking results merger. M i d e d l The element known as Fulcrum (p i v o t). Figure 1 4-9 is given a quick sort of pseudo-code. Delphi Hefuman coding. rar.rar - delhi do with the realization of Huffman coding. doing quite well. ,, Delphi
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.37mb Publisher : 罗成芝

说明: GL Print.rar是一个比较常见的OpenGL的打印代码,在CodeGuru上有的,我在它的基础上面做了一点点改动,就是将CGLobj当成了View的一个成员,原来他们之间存在继承关系.效果相同. Ch4.rar是一本书上面的一个原码,没有打印功能.但是他设计的类比较好(个人观点)所有的绘制功能是在COpenGLDC里完成的,而视图的投影视口的变换等是由一个照相机类完成的,以至于我现在还不知道怎么回事,只管用就是了. NewGL.rar 的我结合上面两者改写的,实现了打印的功能,但是打印线的时候特别的不清楚,还有就是在Ch4.rar中的那三个球在这里也是打印不了的(可能和OpenGL的命令有关)(我刚刚接触OpenGl,很多东西不懂,只是抄袭别人的类来用,没有深入研究过). CAp.rar 是OpenGL打印的另一种实现的方法,在Ch4.rar的基础点改写,也是抄袭了别人的原码,主要使用了一个现成的捕捉类,实现了客户区的捕捉,它存在的问题就是有时会捕捉到屏幕菜单,像打印,打印预览什么的.不过这个倒是可以打印Ch4中的那三个球.此外,还可以直接保存成BMP文件. 以上是在下拙作(姑且说是自己的吧,因为都是抄袭别人的代码,所以说的时候有点脸红).权做抛砖引玉,如遇高手,万望不吝赐教 网名:fietiger -: Print.rar GL is a more common OpenGL Print code, Some of the CodeGuru on, I was the basis of the above done a little bit of change, CGLobj is to the View as a member of the They exist between the original inheritance. the same effect. Ch4.rar a book is the one above the original code, no printing function. However, he designed the relatively good (personal view) all of the mapping function is COpenGLD C complete, and the vote View Television mouth is the transformation from one type to complete the camera, so I do not know how else, just use the grindstone. NewGL.rar combination of the above two, I rewrite, and achieving the Print function, But the time line Print special unclear There is Ch4.rar of those three balls in print here is not the (possibly the life and OpenGL so) (I just Open
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 323.75kb Publisher : fietiger

The mixer API is a set of Windows multimedia functions that are used to retrieve information about audio-mixer devices. The mixer API classifies audio-mixer lines as source and destination lines. Source lines are inputs into the audio card (for example, CD, microphone, line-in, and wave). Destination lines are outputs from the card (for example, speakers, headphones, phone line, and wave in). For a source line to be valid, it should have a unique path from the source to a destination. A single source line might map to more than one destination, but no more than a single path can connect a source line to a destination line. For more information about the mixer API, see the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.
Update : 2010-12-23 Size : 14.19kb Publisher :

这是我写的一个实现点选中多边形的数值算法,算法进行了特别设计,速度很快,可以判断点在浮点型的多变形中或在多边形外,可以移植到UNIX或linux平台,因为这两个平台没有CRect的PtInRect() 和 CRgn的PtInRgn()函数,这是一个很高效的算法-This is the one I wrote to achieve Polygon click the numerical algorithm, the algorithm specifically designed, very fast, points can be judged in the float over the deformation or polygons, can migrate to Linux or UNIX platform, as the two platforms of no CRect PtInRect (), and the CLASS PtInRgn () function, which is a very efficient algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 王为

网上的PC遥控软件还真不少,从电路的简单性和软件的易用性来考虑,我选择了一款名为“PC红外遥控器”的软件(在天极下载)。它虽然是个共享软件,但没有任何的功能限制。现在的版本是1.0B,同时还自带了一个简单的红外接收电路图,很适合我们自己动手来做。从网上下载的“PC红外遥控器”是一个RAR的自解压包,只有278KB,解压后,双击其中的IRCtrl.exe,它会以一个遥控器图标的形式放在系统的托盘里。单击它,就可以打开“PC红外遥控器”的设置界面。具体的设置方法后面再讲,这里我们要用的就是它设置界面里的电路图-online PC remote control software really many, from the simple circuit and software to consider the ease of use, I chose the one called "PC infrared remote control" software (downloaded Inc.). Although it is sharing software, but no functional limitations. Now is the version 1.0B, and also own a simple infrared receiver circuit. very suitable for us to do it ourselves. Downloaded from the Internet "PC infrared remote control" is a self-extracting RAR package, only 278KB, unpacked, double-click the IRCtrl.exe, it will be a remote control device in the form of icon on the system tray. Click it, it can open up "PC infrared remote control" set interface. Specific configuration back repeatedly, here we have to use the interface is that it's set up circuit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 388kb Publisher : junwei

DL : 1
这是单板上DPRAM的驱动程序,开发环境是vxworks,是bsp的一部分。如果单板上有DPRAM内存,在启动的时候,加载操作系统之前,需要对硬件进行初始化。后续的内存操作也都是通过此驱动进行的。BSP开发人员只需要修改相关的宏就可以运行。当然,首先必须读懂源代码。此代码是我开发的一块单板的BSP的一部分,经过严格测试。因为是我开发的,且用于实验室中的单板,并非商用产品中的模块,所以不存在版权问题,与大家共享。-This is the single board DPRAM of the driver, the development environment is vxworks, bsp is a part. If a DPRAM single-board memory at startup time, load the operating system, the need for hardware initialization. Follow-up memory operations are also driven through this process. BSP developers only need to amend the relevant Acer can run. Of course, one must first understand the source code. This code is developed by a veneer part of the BSP, after rigorous testing. Because I developed in the laboratory and used for the veneer, which is not a commercial product modules, so there is no copyright issues, and share.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 444kb Publisher : 丁力

说明: GL Print.rar是一个比较常见的OpenGL的打印代码,在CodeGuru上有的,我在它的基础上面做了一点点改动,就是将CGLobj当成了View的一个成员,原来他们之间存在继承关系.效果相同. Ch4.rar是一本书上面的一个原码,没有打印功能.但是他设计的类比较好(个人观点)所有的绘制功能是在COpenGLDC里完成的,而视图的投影视口的变换等是由一个照相机类完成的,以至于我现在还不知道怎么回事,只管用就是了. NewGL.rar 的我结合上面两者改写的,实现了打印的功能,但是打印线的时候特别的不清楚,还有就是在Ch4.rar中的那三个球在这里也是打印不了的(可能和OpenGL的命令有关)(我刚刚接触OpenGl,很多东西不懂,只是抄袭别人的类来用,没有深入研究过). CAp.rar 是OpenGL打印的另一种实现的方法,在Ch4.rar的基础点改写,也是抄袭了别人的原码,主要使用了一个现成的捕捉类,实现了客户区的捕捉,它存在的问题就是有时会捕捉到屏幕菜单,像打印,打印预览什么的.不过这个倒是可以打印Ch4中的那三个球.此外,还可以直接保存成BMP文件. 以上是在下拙作(姑且说是自己的吧,因为都是抄袭别人的代码,所以说的时候有点脸红).权做抛砖引玉,如遇高手,万望不吝赐教 网名:fietiger -: Print.rar GL is a more common OpenGL Print code, Some of the CodeGuru on, I was the basis of the above done a little bit of change, CGLobj is to the View as a member of the They exist between the original inheritance. the same effect. Ch4.rar a book is the one above the original code, no printing function. However, he designed the relatively good (personal view) all of the mapping function is COpenGLD C complete, and the vote View Television mouth is the transformation from one type to complete the camera, so I do not know how else, just use the grindstone. NewGL.rar combination of the above two, I rewrite, and achieving the Print function, But the time line Print special unclear There is Ch4.rar of those three balls in print here is not the (possibly the life and OpenGL so) (I just Open
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 323kb Publisher : fietiger

DL : 0
THPLC-D型变频器调试说明 1、THPLC-D是在THPLC-C的基础上升级开发的,其主要区别是:变频器控制电机部分取代了继电器控制电机部分。其它的没有变动,所以大部分程序都沿用了THPLC-C的程序,只是添加开发了变频器的样例程序。 2、变频器的样例程序存放在bianpintontxun文件夹里,运行GPPW.GSP即可!其它的相同的程序制作备份 用。其中 bianpintontxun.RAR 里面的程序比较好用。 -THPLC-D type converter debugging note 1, THPLC-D is THPLC-C based on the escalation of development, the main difference is: inverter motor control have replaced part of the electrical relay control. No other changes, most procedures are followed THPLC-C procedure, just add the sample developed a converter program. 2, converter sample program stored in bianpintontxun folder, run GPPW.GSP can! Other the same procedure used to back up. Bianpintontxun.RAR one inside-to-use procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : xiaoyu

没有谁会编写低速模式的下的SDHC驱动,但是众多在低速模式下支持SD/TF/MMC卡的设备正在为不能识别SDHC而苦恼。这是目前唯一能够找到的能够识别SDHC的低速模式下的驱动。经过了上百张不同SD/MMC/TF卡的验证。-No one prepared under low-speed mode SDHC driver, but many in the low-speed mode support SD/TF/MMC card device is not recognized by SDHC and upset. This is currently only able to find the be able to identify low-speed mode SDHC driver. After hundreds of different SD/MMC/TF card verification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 陈俊

分析:用N进制的方法吧。设一个N个单元的数组,对第一个单元做加一操作,满N进 一。每加一次一就判断一下各位数组单元有无重复,有则再转回去做加一操作,没有则说明得到了一个排列方案。 -Analysis: N-band approach with it. A N-unit array, and add a unit to do one operation, over N into one. Add 1 each time you click on an array of modules to determine whether or not duplicate, then go back and have to do is add one operation, then there is no order to be a program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 刘继棠

C 语言嵌入式系统编程修炼之一:背景篇 不同于一般形式的软件编程,嵌入式系统编程建立在特定的硬件平台上,势必要求 其编程语言具备较强的硬件直接操作能力。无疑,汇编语言具备这样的特质。但是,归 因于汇编语言开发过程的复杂性,它并不是嵌入式系统开发的一般选择。而与之相比, C 语言--一种"高级的低级"语言,则成为嵌入式系统开发的最佳选择。笔者在嵌入式系 统项目的开发过程中,一次又一次感受到C 语言的精妙,沉-C language programming of embedded systems, one practice: background papers Unlike most forms of software programming, embedded system programming based on a specific hardware platform, it is bound to require Its programming language with a strong capacity to operate the hardware directly. There is no doubt that this kind of assembly language with the characteristics. However, in the final In assembly language because of the complexity of the development process, it is not the development of embedded systems in general to choose. Compared with C language- a kind of "junior high" language, the development of embedded systems has become the best choice. The author in the embedded line EC project development process, time and again to feel the exquisite language C, immersed in C language for embedded development with For convenience.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 317kb Publisher : 朱明健

簡介 PT2323 是特別為6CH 家庭劇院音響系統所設計的音響用輸入選擇器,並且內建2CH~6CH 轉換 器,可以直接將傳統立體聲2CH 信號轉換成為模擬6CH 信號,使用I2C 控制介面。單電源9V 供 應電壓,低成本及極佳的性能表現(THD<0.005 Typ),適合任何高性能的6CH 音響系統之應用。 特色 l 供應電源:9V l 提供4 組立體聲及一組6CH 輸入端 l 內建2CH~6CH 轉換器和副低頻低通濾波器 l 最大輸入電壓可達3.75Vrms (1KHz, THD<1 ) l 低失真<0.005 (1KHz, 0.2Vrms),低噪訊<6μVrms l I2C 控制介面 應用範圍 l AV 音響器材 l 迷你組你音響 l 汽車音響 l 多媒體音箱-DESCRIPTION PT2323 is a 6-Channel Audio Selector utilizing CMOS Technology specially designed for Home Theater System. It provides a built-in 2-Channel to 6-Channel Translator, which can directly mix traditional stereo channel to simulate a 6-Channel audio output. Single power supply (9V), I2C Bus Interface as well as very low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD < 0.005 ) and other features are incorporated into a single chip thereby providing very high performance. Pin assignments and application circuit are optimized for easy PCB layout and cost saving advantages. FEATURES 􀁺 Supply Voltage: 9V 􀁺 4 Stereo Inputs 􀁺 One 6-Channel Input 􀁺 Maximum Input Voltage: 3.75Vrms (1kHz, THD<1 ) 􀁺 Low Total Harmonic Distortion, THD<0.005 (1kHz, 0.2Vrms) 􀁺 Low Noise: No<4μVrms 􀁺 I2C Bus Interface 􀁺 Available in 28 Pins, DIP or SOP Package APPLICATIONS 􀁺 AV System 􀁺 Mini Compo 𙦥
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : pizi

这个是我常用的点阵字模提取工具,非常的好用,是众多字模提取软件中极为优秀的一款,解压后直接运行,无需安装,使用特别方便,有多种字模提取方式,应用广泛-This is my dot matrix commonly used extraction tools, very easy to use, is the most perfect one of the many software matrix extract, after extracting a direct run, no installation, the use of special convenience, a variety of matrix extraction methods widely used
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 703kb Publisher : 凌同飞

分析:用N进制的方法吧。设一个N个单元的数组,对第一个单元做加一操作,满N进 一。每加一次一就判断一下各位数组单元有无重复,有则再转回去做加一操作,没有则说明得到了一个排列方案。-Analysis: N-band approach with it. A N-unit array, and add a unit to do one operation, over N into one. Add 1 each time you click on an array of modules to determine whether or not duplicate, then go back and have to do is add one operation, then there is no order to be a program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : sai78861
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