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利用画弧函数arc( )绘制不同的弧线,组成一个六叶的图案。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 811byte Publisher :

ArcEngine例子,通过ArcEngine打开属性表例子-ArcEngine example, ArcEngine Open Attribute Table example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : tony

一些范例程序,只要是关于ArcEngine的,有vb,vc,csharp-some examples of procedures, as long as they are on the ArcEngine, vb, vc, csharp
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : gao

本书是有关Arctoolbox实用教程,pdf格式。共五章,希望有助于大家学习。-the book is the Arctoolbox practical guidance pdf format. A total of five chapters, we wish to contribute to the study.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.48mb Publisher : qq

该软件能很好地实现数控机床上的G00,G01,G02,G03指令(其中G02,G03画圆弧插补指令里的I,J是表示圆弧起点相对于圆心的矢量,即矢量方向为圆心指向起点),除此之外,该软件能控制X380卡驱动步进电机按仿真图轨迹走线,效果理想。-The software is able to realize a good CNC machine tools on the G00, G01, G02, G03 command (of which G02, G03 circular interpolation painting instruction in the I, J is the starting point arc express vector relative to the center, that is the direction vector starting point for the center point), In addition, the software can control the X380 card driver stepper motor map by simulation trajectory alignment, the results are satisfactory.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : 罗国水

一款开源的完整矢量绘图控件源码,支持直线、弧线、矩形、圆角矩形、椭圆、多边形、星形、文本和图片等的绘制,支持旋转、缩放、选择、排列等操作,总的说来功能还是不错的!其实如果稍微懂点计算机图形学的知识要做出比这个还要完善的矢量绘图软件应该是没有问题的-A complete open source vector graphics controls in support of a straight line, arc, rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, polygon, star, text and pictures, such as rendering, support for rotation, zooming, selection, arrangement and other operations, the total to function or that good! In fact, if a little point of computer graphics to understand the knowledge to make than that perfect vector drawing software should not be any problem
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 74kb Publisher : youwell

DL : 0
巧求三点外接圆圆心,算法简单明了.不用判断三角形的三散是否处于同一条直线上.-Qiao circumcircle center for three points, the algorithm is simple and clear. Do not judge whether or not a triangle, three in the same line.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : aa

绘图库 1. 设计和实现一个图形函数库,具有绘制直线 段、任意圆弧、椭圆弧、多边形区域的阴影填 充和颜色填充等功能。(仅调用画点函数) Windows API: setpixel(hdc,x,y,color)-Drawing 1. Design and Implementation of a graphics library, with the straight-line drawing, arbitrary arc, elliptical arc, polygon area fill and color filled the shadow functions. (Just call paintings point function) Windows API: setpixel (hdc, x, y, color)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : litao

單幅數字影像的空間正射化 use a usgs 3-arc-second dem from a 1deg x 1deg fileImageOrthorectify.rar-use a usgs 3-arc-second dem from a 1deg x 1deg file ImageOrthorectify.rar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : Chen

This programm is capable of showing the contents of different archives and some archives can be extracted, ZIP,GZ,TGZ,TAR,ARC,ARJ,RAR,CAB,LZH,LHA.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : Zainuddin Nafarin

DL : 0
基于DSP的继电器触点电弧测量技术.rar,文章具体分析了电弧测量过程。-Relay contacts arc DSP-based measurement techniques. Rar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 304kb Publisher : laowang

网弧6603源代码全套,包括客户端服务端全套源码,The network arc 6603 full set of source code, including full source code of the client server
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31.41mb Publisher : jimy
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