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Jollen-Kit! 2006 是非常積極進行中的專案,所有紀錄與更新將同步揭示於本網頁。 快速下載 U-Boot 的 binary code:U-Boot binary - 2006/01/03 Linux kernel 2.4.18 for jk2410:uimage.img - 2006/01/06 可開機的 Base root filesystem: urootfs.img -2006/01/07 (without tftp) 可開機的 Base root filesystem: urootfs2.img -2006/03/10 (Busybox 1.10 with tftp) GNU cross toolchain:arm-9tdmi-linux-gnu.tar.gz (armpath by Joe) 安裝方法: # cd / (切換到 / 根目錄) # tar jxf <路徑>/arm-9tdmi-linux-gnu.tar.gz (將檔案解開)   \"Hello, World!\" 在 ARM9 的範例:hello_arm.tar.gz (使用Makefile) 其它工具與原始碼下載 驅動程式模組 -Jollen-Kit! 2006 is very positive for the ad hoc, all records will be updated with synchronization revealed on this website. Fast download U-Boot of binary code : U-Boot binary-2005/10/02 Linux kernel 2.4.18 for jk2410 : uimage.img - 2006-01-06 can boot Base root filesys tem : urootfs.img -2006/01/07 (without tftp) boot B Rnase root filesystem : urootfs2.img -2006/03/10 (Busybox 1.10 with t ftp) GNU cross toolchain : arm-9tdmi - linux-piumarta/squeak/unix/release/Squeak-3.1beta-i686-PC-linux-gnu.tar.gz (armpath by Joe) Installation Method : # cd / (switched to the / root directory) # tar jxf
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.45kb Publisher : ffllkk

QT3.3.4在远峰2410上移植 HOST 环境(虚拟机VM6.0): 系统:redhat 9 完全安装 交叉工具arm 2.95.3 TARGET环境 arm 2410 240*320屏外加触摸屏 cramfs文件系统 软件: cross-2.95.3.tar.bz2 qt-embedded-free-3.3.4.tar.bz2 qt-x11-free-3.3.4.tar.bz2 tmake-1.11.tar.gz 经测试,在3.3.2的交叉编译工具也通过
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.62kb Publisher : han

Jollen-Kit! 2006 是非常積極進行中的專案,所有紀錄與更新將同步揭示於本網頁。 快速下載 U-Boot 的 binary code:U-Boot binary - 2006/01/03 Linux kernel 2.4.18 for jk2410:uimage.img - 2006/01/06 可開機的 Base root filesystem: urootfs.img -2006/01/07 (without tftp) 可開機的 Base root filesystem: urootfs2.img -2006/03/10 (Busybox 1.10 with tftp) GNU cross toolchain:arm-9tdmi-linux-gnu.tar.gz (armpath by Joe) 安裝方法: # cd / (切換到 / 根目錄) # tar jxf <路徑>/arm-9tdmi-linux-gnu.tar.gz (將檔案解開)   "Hello, World!" 在 ARM9 的範例:hello_arm.tar.gz (使用Makefile) 其它工具與原始碼下載 驅動程式模組 -Jollen-Kit! 2006 is very positive for the ad hoc, all records will be updated with synchronization revealed on this website. Fast download U-Boot of binary code : U-Boot binary-2005/10/02 Linux kernel 2.4.18 for jk2410 : uimage.img- 2006-01-06 can boot Base root filesys tem : urootfs.img-2006/01/07 (without tftp) boot B Rnase root filesystem : urootfs2.img-2006/03/10 (Busybox 1.10 with t ftp) GNU cross toolchain : arm-9tdmi- linux-piumarta/squeak/unix/release/Squeak-3.1beta-i686-PC-linux-gnu.tar.gz (armpath by Joe) Installation Method :# cd/(switched to the/root directory)# tar jxf
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : ffllkk

DL : 0
首先,你应该确保你的系统中已经建立了交叉编译环境,如果没有或者是还有什么问题可以搜索相关的内容, 本文是教你在嵌入式系统痛中如何移植minigui1.3, 关于2.0版本是付费的版本,跟1.3版本有很大的差别,所以本文的方法只能适合在1.3和1.6的移植当中, 下面开始。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。》 -First, you should ensure that your system has established a cross-compiler environment, If not, or is there any problem can search the contents, This article is to teach you in Embedded Systems pain minigui1.3 how to transplant, Version 2.0 of the payment is the version with the 1.3 version of a great difference. Therefore, the method can only be suitable for the 1.3 and 1.6 of the transplant, the following start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : lipenf

跨平台性能调试工具,支持intel,amd,mips,arm, sparc等多种平台。支持linux内核,驱动和应用的性能分析。识别应用瓶颈,帮助你提升应用的整体性能。-Cross-platform performance debugging tools, support for intel, amd, mips, arm, sparc, such as multiple platforms. To support the linux kernel, drivers and application performance analysis. Identify bottlenecks in the application, help you to enhance the overall performance of applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : blacksolar

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45.89mb Publisher : 张培卿

QT3.3.4在远峰2410上移植 HOST 环境(虚拟机VM6.0): 系统:redhat 9 完全安装 交叉工具arm 2.95.3 TARGET环境 arm 2410 240*320屏外加触摸屏 cramfs文件系统 软件: cross-2.95.3.tar.bz2 qt-embedded-free-3.3.4.tar.bz2 qt-x11-free-3.3.4.tar.bz2 tmake-1.11.tar.gz 经测试,在3.3.2的交叉编译工具也通过-Yuanfeng QT3.3.4 in 2410 on the transplantation HOST environment (virtual machine VM6.0): system: redhat 9 install cross tools fully arm 2.95.3TARGET environmental arm 2410240* 320 screen plus a touch-screen software CRAMFS file system: cross-2.95.3. tar.bz2qt-embedded-free-3.3.4.tar.bz2 qt-x11-free-3.3.4.tar.bz2tmake-1.11.tar.gz tested in cross-compile tools 3.3.2 through
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : han

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 47.16mb Publisher : 孙胜全

自己做的交叉编译工具!gcc-3.4.5,glibc-2.3.6在ubuntu8.04上做的面向kernel-2.6.28的交叉编译工具-Own cross-compiler tool! gcc-3.4.5, glibc-2.3.6 in ubuntu8.04 do kernel-2.6.28-oriented cross-compiler tools
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42.6mb Publisher : 赵星

为ARM建立交叉编译环境所需要的工具g-Cross compiler for ARM to establish the tools needed to environment gcc
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.44mb Publisher : china

at91sam9260的交叉编译工具链 直接解压就可以用-at91sam9260 cross-compiler tool chain can be used on direct decompression
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44.3mb Publisher : 金敏

下载vsftpd-2.0.6.tar.gz 网上很好找的,附件也提供下载,解压。 tar zxvf vsftpd-2.0.6.tar.gz 修改解压包内文件MakeFile,改交叉编译器,我的路径是 # Makefile for systems with GNU tools CC= /usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin/arm-linux-gcc 直接编译会出错,还要改一个包含库文件的文件 把下面两句屏蔽掉吧-Download vsftpd-2.0.6.tar.gz easy to find online, and accessories are also available for download, unzip. tar zxvf vsftpd-2.0.6.tar.gz modify the extract package files MakeFile, change cross-compiler, my path is# Makefile for systems with GNU tools CC =/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin/arm-linux-gcc directly translated to be wrong, but also to change a library file that contains the following two masked Bar
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 193kb Publisher : qwe

名称 MiniGUI - 面向实时嵌入式 Linux 系统的小型跨平台图形用户界面支持系统 目录 1. 介绍 2. 什么是 MiniGUI-Lite 3. MiniGUI 版本 1.6 的新功能特点 4. 在 Linux 上安装 MiniGUI 5. Linux 上的安装及配置示例 6. 开发历史 7. 有关作者 8. 如果遇到问题 9. 版权信息 10. 在商业或专有系统中的使用 MiniGUI 1. 介绍 MiniGUI 是一个遵循 GPL 条款的自由软件项目. 该项目由北京飞漫软件技术有限公 司主持. MiniGUI 的目标是提供一个稳定的, 轻量级的跨操作系统图形用户界面支持系统, 尤其适合基于 Linux/uClinux, eCos, uC/OS-II, VxWorks, ThreadX 等的实时嵌入 式系统. -Version 1.6.8 (2005/09/05) This release needs the following resource packages: * minigui-res-1.6.tar.gz The latest demo package is: * mde-1.6.8.tar.gz The latest samples package is: * mg-samples-1.6.8.tar.gz NAME MiniGUI- a compact cross-platform Graphics User Interface support system for real-time embedded systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. What s MiniGUI-Lite 3. New features of MiniGUI version 1.6 4. Installing MiniGUI on a Linux box 5. History 6. About the authors 7. If you have a problem 8. A Little FAQ 9. Copying 10. If you are developing commercial or proprietary software by using MiniGUI
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.75mb Publisher : guyunchong

fontconfig-2.7.3.tar.gz Source code for Linux , you need to cross compile for MIPS
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : jeevasenthil

交叉编译器 compiler
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62.76mb Publisher : jieren
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