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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.21kb Publisher :

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 59.23kb Publisher : 方竹

一个圆环旋转的场景,模拟了光照和倒影,主要利用了融合,光照,材质等-a rotating ring scenes to simulate the light and reflection, the main use of the fusion, light, material, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : 王芸洁

一个很不错的学生成绩管理系统课程设计,内有设计报告,毕业设计也可以参照下,大家可以借鉴-a very good student performance management system design courses, which are designed, the design can also graduated from the light, We can learn from `` `
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 973kb Publisher : 李里

最新版的Vista界面精美时钟控件源代码,新增时钟滴答声,是否显示秒针,徽标位置,时区偏移等功能。支持达8款时钟皮肤界面以及支持用户自定义皮肤,皮肤包括流行操作系统时钟界面,如Vista,longhorn等,界面支持背景图片,自定义显示时针,分针,秒针已经徽标和高亮光特效,支持透明度选择,指定显示位置等。皮肤可以自己使用PNG格式制作。使用GDI Plus编程,系统没有安装GDI支持dll的,可以到微软网站:下载。-latest version of the Vista interface exquisite clock controls the source code, a new clock tick, whether the hands of, logo location, time zone offset, and other functions. 8, supporting the clock skin interface and support for user-defined skin, including skin popular operating system clock interface If Vista, longhorn, interface support background pictures, custom show anti-clockwise, watches, hands of already logo and high light effects, in support of transparency option, the designated location, and so on. Their skin can use PNG format. Programming using GDI Plus, the system does not support the installation of GDI dll, can Microsoft website : http :// FamilyID = px 6a63ab9c- df12- 4d41- 933c- be590 feaa05a
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 767kb Publisher : 刘德华

设计一个6层电梯控制器。电梯控制器是按照乘客的要求自动上、下的装置。 1、每层电梯入口处设置上下请求开关,电梯内设有顾客到达层次的停站请求开关。 2、设有电梯所处位置指示装置以及电梯运行模式(上升或者下降)指示装置。 3、电梯每秒升降一层楼。 4、电梯到达有停站请求的楼层,经过1秒电梯门打开,开门4秒后,电梯门关闭(开门指示灯灭),电梯继续运行,直至执行完最后一个请求信号后停留在当前层。 5、电梯能记忆电梯内外所有请求信号,并按照电梯运行规则按顺序响应,每个请求信号保留至有电梯响应后消除。 6、初始状态为一层开门,第一层不用向下开关,最高层不用向上开关。 7、电梯运行规则:当电梯上升时,只响应比电梯所在位置高的上楼请求信号,由下而上逐个执行,直到最后一个上楼请求执行完毕;如果高层有下楼请求,则直接升到下楼请求的最高楼层,然后进入下降模式。当电梯处于下降模式时与上升正好相反。 -design of a six-story elevator controller. Elevator Controller in accordance with the requirements of passengers automatically, the device. 1, installed on each floor elevator entrance next request switches, elevator begins to reach the level of customer stops request switch. 2, the location of elevator and escalator installations instructions operation mode (up or down) device instructions. 3, Elevator per second floor landing. 4, the lift reached a request stops floors seconds after an elevator doors open door four seconds later, elevator doors closed (to open the door to eliminate light), the continued operation of the lift, End until the implementation of the final request for a signal to stay in the current layer. 5, the lift will lift internal and external memory signal to all reques
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : zheng

另一种光照不均匀图像的图像增强法源代码,编译通过,效果良好-Another non-uniform illumination image image enhancement method source code, the compiler is passed, the effect of good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : shenyunfei

MSP430与CC1100通过SPI接口通信,四个按键,当按下某一个按键时,相应的指示灯变亮---------短距离无线通信-MSP430 and CC1100 communications through the SPI interface, four button, when pressed a button, the corresponding indicator variable light- short-distance wireless communication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : wlz

Managed Directx9实现的一个模型骨骼动画 很帅的 动画在方向光照下的纹理清晰可见 动作很好看-Managed Directx9 realize a very handsome model skeleton animation animated light in the direction of the texture clearly visible action look good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 454kb Publisher : zhliang04

用光流法榨取视频关键桢。压缩文件内readme有详细步骤-Light flow method to extract video keyframe. Compressed file within the readme has detailed steps
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36.53mb Publisher : jasonlee

一个下载网页的小程序,参照别人的修改的。-A small program to download the page, in the light of other people s changes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : Rex

OpenGL编程与实例-LIGHT.rar-OpenGL 卤 脿 鲁 脤脫毛脢渭脌媒-LIGHT.rar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : 方竹

用matlab模拟圆孔衍射图像,入射光为平面波,衍射距离可以任意调节-Matlab simulation using circular aperture diffraction images, the incident light for the plane wave, diffraction can adjust the distance
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : weinaike

在128*128的网格上求解2维波动方程来模拟大范围的水波。用一个像素渲染程序完成对波动方程的时间积分,结果存放于一个浮点数纹理中,.然后将此纹理传给渲染模块。此外使用凹凸贴图来描述水面的细节波纹,这会给稍后的逐像素渲染带来逼真的水面闪烁高光效果.-128* 128 grid on the solution of 2-dimensional wave equation to simulate a wide range of water. With a pixel shader program to complete the wave equation of time points, the result is stored in a floating point texture,. And then this texture to the rendering module. In addition the use of bump mapping to describe the details of the surface corrugation, which will later bring about-by-pixel rendering realistic water effects of high light flashes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : ding

DL : 0
北京瑞泰DSP系统的指示灯实验,了解IECTEK-C6713-A板在CE1空间上的扩展,掌握发光二极管的原理和方法-Beijing Ruitai DSP system indicator light experiments, understanding IECTEK-C6713-A plate in the CE1 space to expand and master the principles of light-emitting diodes and methods
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 小孩

local binary pattern特征是一种光照鲁棒的纹理算子,这是计算该特征的VC程序 -local binary pattern feature is a light texture robust operator, which is to calculate the characteristics of the VC program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 439kb Publisher : bobo

DL : 0
多功能电子钟;本程序在KEIL编译时必须安装有 浮点库文件 C51FPS.LIB 附加功能:指示灯,蜂鸣器,温度传感器,世界节日-Multi-functional electronic bell KEIL compiler of this procedure must be equipped with floating-point library file C51FPS.LIB Additional features: light, buzzer, temperature sensors, the World Festival
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : 如风

DL : 0
(1)测量范围:0.000~0.200 BAC呼出气体酒精含量; (2) 精确度: ±10 ~0.200mg/L ; (3)测量结果用单片机的数码管显示; (4)超出预定值发出报警信号(声光报警); (5)所设计的装置应采用低功耗元件,体积小,结构合理。 -(1) Measurement Range: 0.000 ~ 0.200 BAC breath alcohol concentration (2) accuracy: ± 10 ~ 0.200mg/L (3) measurements with single chip digital tube display (4) issued in excess of the expected value of alarm signals (sound and light alarm) (5) have been designed for low-power devices should be used components, small size, a reasonable structure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : xiaoming

本原代码集是我对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等-Primitive code set is my practice of computer graphics programming, including painting a straight line, anti-aliased line, circle, draw an oval, rectangular painting, drawing polygon, rectangle fill, polygon fill, 3D transformation, light, texture, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : chenhao

DL : 0
对AD0809进行操作,将AD转换后的结果直接对对8个发光二极管进行赋值,程序有详细的注释!-Operation of the AD0809 will be the result of AD conversion directly against eight light-emitting diodes for assignment, procedures detailed notes!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 336kb Publisher : 高培
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