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pthread soure code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.2mb Publisher : 廖降龙

Satanic Socks Server v0.66.170506 Powered by drmist\STNC Compilation: Win32: cl /Gz /O1 sss.c && del sss.obj Linux: gcc -lpthread sss.c -o sss FreeBSD: gcc -pthread sss.c -o -Satanic Socks Server v0.66.170506 Powered by drmist\STNC Compilation: Win32: cl /Gz /O1 sss.c && del sss.obj Linux: gcc -lpthread sss.c -o sss FreeBSD: gcc -pthread sss.c -o sss
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : Andrey

Hello, I post a zip containing three sources of programming Pthread (Posix thread). A presentation and explanation of the functions that will be USED ​ ​ is present in each source. The zip addresses only the strict necessary to program the Pthread, I encourage you to read the man and. h Finally, to use the Pthread ensure that you working on a Linux or compile with Cygwin or other emulators, add the lib-lpthread in the edition links. If you have any questions, post the.-Hello, I post a zip containing three sources of programming Pthread (Posix thread). A presentation and explanation of the functions that will be USED ​ ​ is present in each source. The zip addresses only the strict necessary to program the Pthread, I encourage you to read the man and. h Finally, to use the Pthread ensure that you working on a Linux or compile with Cygwin or other emulators, add the lib-lpthread in the edition links. If you have any questions, post the.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : mohammed
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