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[Software Engineeringskype分析

Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: 加内特 | Hits:

[Hook apiSkypeAPISample

Description: 《Skype API应用范例》 —— Skype是个非常优秀的IP电话通信工具,不但可以PC to PC,而且也可以PC to PSTN,当今非常盛行。Skype为了加快自己的发展全面开放了API,其实所谓的API不是真正的Win32 API函数,而是一系列消息的组合,我花了一个晚上从网上找到Skype API说明文档简单地实现了Skype通话和拨号以及发送文字聊天消息的简单功能,仅此达到抛砖引玉的目的。-"Skype API application paradigm"-- Skype is a very outstanding IP telephony communications tool, it can not only PC to PC, but also PC to PSTN, is very popular today. Skype to accelerate our development of open API, the so-called API is not really the Win32 API function, but a series of news portfolio, I spent a night on the Internet Skype API documentation simple to achieve Skype calls and dial-up chat and send text information simple function that alone to start a purpose.
Platform: | Size: 143360 | Author: 谢红伟 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopSkypeAPIinsistance

Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 丁建军 | Hits:


Description: skype协议详细说明,是掌握VOIP的好资料-your agreement details, VoIP is a good grasp of information
Platform: | Size: 311296 | Author: tianjch | Hits:


Description: 在网上找到的SKYPE源程序,对于写P2P通信的朋友很有帮助.-found on the Internet SKYPE source, peer-to-peer communication was helpful friends.
Platform: | Size: 420864 | Author: qnaqbgss | Hits:


Description: 本书详细介绍了配置Ubuntu的各个步骤,让读者,尤其是新手能够快速配置Ubuntu,熟悉操作 1、选择Ubuntu 2、获取Ubuntu 3、安装Ubuntu 4、更新系统中的源 5、安装中文环境 6、安装常用 的软件 RAR 压缩/解压缩程序、词霸星际译王、多媒体编码器、totem、mplayer、Realplayer、Beep Media Player、Audacious 7、网络软件安装 QQ客户端、Gaim 、Tom Skype、多线程下载软件MultiGet和Downloader for X 、电骡amule 、bt客户端Azureus 、FTP客户端fFTP 、雷鸟thunderbird、拨号和宽带ADSL/PPPoE程序、浏览器(opera 、galeon、epiphany)和浏览器的Flash支持 8、安全杀毒软件的安装 防火墙Firestarter 、杀毒软件avast -This book details the various steps to configure Ubuntu so that readers, particularly newcomers to quickly configure Ubuntu, familiar with the operation 1, choose Ubuntu 2, for Ubuntu 3, install Ubuntu 4, update the system source 5, install the Chinese environment 6, installation of the software used RAR compression/decompression program, PowerWord StarDict, multimedia encoder, totem, mplayer, Realplayer, Beep Media Player, Audacious 7, network software installation QQ client, Gaim, Tom Skype, multi-threaded download software MultiGet and Downloader for X, electric mule amule, bt client Azureus, FTP client fFTP, Thunderbird thunderbird, dial-up and broadband ADSL/PPPoE program, browser (opera, galeon, epiphany) and browser Flash support 8, security anti-virus software installation Firewall Firestarter, avast antivirus software
Platform: | Size: 1720320 | Author: bosimao | Hits:


Description: SKYPEkit.rar 对skype做二次开发,应用于其他用途-SKYPEkit.rar redevelopment,apply to another usage
Platform: | Size: 906240 | Author: long | Hits:

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