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  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2018-03-29
  • Size : 368kb
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  • Author :inte*****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Readme.txt 909 2001-07-25
OClientW\ReadMe.txt 3597 2001-05-21
ServerW\ReadMe.txt 3597 2001-05-21
UsersGuide.doc 322048 2001-07-25
UsersGuide_files\header.htm 1136 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\filelist.xml 581 2001-07-21
Debug\RegDemoCP.bat 108 2001-07-04
Debug\RunDemoCP.bat 28 2001-06-29
RunDemoCP.bat 40 2001-07-05
Debug\UnRegDemoCP.bat 75 2001-07-04
OClientW\ClientW.h 1609 2001-06-02
OClientW\ClientWDlg.h 1546 2001-06-19
Include\ConnectionPipe.h 17905 2001-06-29
Debug\WizardGeneratedFiles\ConnectionPipea.h 2820 2001-07-21
Include\ConnectionPipeFirstW.h 4790 2001-06-24
Include\ErrorsCP.h 1077 2001-06-14
ServerW\resource.h 958 2001-06-13
OClientW\resource.h 1191 2001-06-30
ServerW\ServerW.h 1588 2001-06-09
ServerW\ServerWDlg.h 1468 2001-05-25
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\StdAfx.h 761 2001-05-25
StdAfx.h 773 2001-05-09
ServerW\StdAfx.h 1081 2001-05-25
OClientW\StdAfx.h 1113 2001-05-21
OClientW\ClientW.cpp 2123 2001-05-06
OClientW\ClientWDlg.cpp 10177 2001-06-19
Debug\WizardGeneratedFiles\ConnectionPipeaClientMethods.cpp 2715 2001-07-21
Debug\WizardGeneratedFiles\ConnectionPipeaServerMethods.cpp 4474 2001-07-21
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\ConnectionPipeFirstClientW.cpp 3221 2001-06-19
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\ConnectionPipeFirstServerW.cpp 5138 2001-06-24
DemoConnectionPipe.cpp 328 2001-06-30
Debug\WizardGeneratedFiles\GConnectionPipeaClient.cpp 923 2001-07-21
Debug\WizardGeneratedFiles\GConnectionPipeaServer.cpp 779 2001-07-21
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\GConnectionPipeFirstClientW.cpp 988 2001-06-13
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\GConnectionPipeFirstServerW.cpp 795 2001-06-16
ServerW\ServerW.cpp 2730 2001-06-13
ServerW\ServerWDlg.cpp 5970 2001-06-30
OClientW\StdAfx.cpp 209 2001-05-21
ServerW\StdAfx.cpp 209 2001-05-21
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\StdAfx.cpp 217 2001-05-11
StdAfx.cpp 307 2001-05-09
Lib\ConnectionPipe.lib 18274 2001-07-04
Lib\ConnectionPipeFirstW.lib 64044 2001-07-04
ServerW\ServerW.clw 1983 2001-07-04
OClientW\ClientW.dsp 4482 2001-05-28
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\ConnectionPipeFirstW.dsp 4461 2001-05-29
DemoConnectionPipe.dsp 4450 2001-06-30
ServerW\ServerW.dsp 4538 2001-06-01
DemoConnectionPipe.dsw 1668 2001-06-30
OClientW\res\ClientW.ico 1078 2001-05-21
ServerW\res\ServerW.ico 1078 2001-05-21
UsersGuide_files\oledata.mso 95314 2001-07-21
Debug\WizardGeneratedFiles\ 505 2001-07-21
OClientW\ClientW.rc 7011 2001-07-04
ServerW\ServerW.rc 6241 2001-07-04
OClientW\res\ClientW.rc2 399 2001-05-21
ServerW\res\ServerW.rc2 399 2001-05-21
UsersGuide_files\image001.wmz 4075 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image003.wmz 6038 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image005.wmz 5909 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image002.gif 8842 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image004.gif 11934 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image006.gif 12568 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image007.png 20812 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image009.png 10293 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image011.png 7171 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image008.jpg 32069 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image010.jpg 15584 2001-07-21
UsersGuide_files\image012.jpg 12453 2001-07-21
OClientW\Debug 0 2001-07-04
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW\Debug 0 2001-07-04
ServerW\Debug 0 2001-07-04
OClientW\res 0 2017-11-17
ServerW\res 0 2017-11-17
Debug\WizardGeneratedFiles 0 2017-11-17
Debug 0 2017-11-17
Include 0 2017-11-17
Intermed 0 2001-07-04
Lib 0 2017-11-17
OClientW 0 2017-11-17
q6ConnectionPipeFirstW 0 2017-11-17
ServerW 0 2017-11-17
UsersGuide_files 0 2017-11-17
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