Survival Road RPG plug-in for entertainment, this plug-in is someone else's, not my own, is a mere scrap. Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 18.76mb
Publisher : 1827551439
For time history analysis of large structures such as buildings, dams, bridges and Hydropower stations, 25 seismic waves are obtained according to the standard spectrum of seismic rules for bridges. Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 6.5mb
Publisher : 大连学子
It contains proteus simulation file and C language program. It has been run on the development board. Two-color LED display circuit and four-bit static digital tube display circuit are used to simulate traffic lights at Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 474kb
Publisher : nliang
An imaging algorithm based on sparse algorithm is mainly a sparse imaging algorithm under compression perception Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 5kb
Publisher : ff19999
Matlab-based male and female discrimination system, based on the pitch frequency to identify, in a quiet environment, the recognition degree is higher Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 15kb
Publisher : maik19
A neural network is a set of connected input/output units, where each connection is associated with a weight. In the learning phase, by adjusting these weights, the correct class label of the input element can be predict Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 10kb
Publisher : 启航lzw
Heart disease diagnosis was made for given patient data. The data set comes from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, which is the largest heart surgery center in the United States. Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 5kb
Publisher : 三云