Content: - Ark v1.01 - program archiver and executer stub for MS-DOS, allows to create executable files which contain one or more smaller programs, and to execute the programs directly from the archive. - BAT-COM, BAT-EX Update : 2024-02-16
Size : 357kb
Publisher : SergeX31
Content: - CPUBoost v1.04 - RMClock_2.0 - GUI app designed for real-time CPU frequency, throttling and load level monitoring and on-the-fly adjustment of the CPU performance level on supported CPU models via processor's Update : 2024-02-16
Size : 1.07mb
Publisher : SergeX31
Award edit v1.2 allows to edit Award BIOS ROM binary file(dump), add/delete bios modules, change some settings, edit Setup BIOS menu items an so on. Very useful for BIOS ROM hacking! Update : 2024-02-16
Size : 250.72kb
Publisher : SergeX31
Paragon driver for NTFS FS under DOS environment! Works via DPMI DOS extender. Compact and quick enough, allows to view NTFS service [FILES]. Update : 2024-02-16
Size : 189.5kb
Publisher : SergeX31
Content: - Docx2Rtf v2.8, program to convert Word 2007 Docx/Dotx, OpenOffice Sxw/Odt files to the universal rtf format without needing MS Office 2007/OpenOffice installed. Also open, view and print - pdf, html, rtf, txt Update : 2024-02-16
Size : 2.83mb
Publisher : SergeX31
QDictionary v1.6 - very convenient en-de-rus offline dictionary, located in Windows tray. Can be tuned for different hotkey, translates words/expressions by pointing with mouse pointer or via pressing user key combinatio Update : 2024-02-16
Size : 5.36mb
Publisher : SergeX31