CFileFind the expansion of category CFileFindExt. Strengthened CFileFind functions directly into the category of succession CFileFind category of non-recursive pm (To speed up the search for speed, to reduce overhead), w Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 3kb
Publisher : narnia
This is a file dialog to use the convenience class, take advantage of this type can easily create full-featured file dialog box, the document there are specific methods used Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 1kb
Publisher : zhg
This is saved as a text file-to-use categories, is used to facilitate the preservation of the string for text file Text Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 1kb
Publisher : zhg
The procedure used to bulk modify the file name, is an MFC dialog-based applet, using CListCtrl control to display the file name to read and navigate change the file name Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 112kb
Publisher : kyocoso
At the same time a document was more than one thread to read and write file data partition at the same time the use of operation Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 1.78mb
Publisher : mangshe0
Find a DBF file reading and writing to achieve the same increase in update feature to delete records of a search first. Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 2.8mb
Publisher : fairy
Reading and writing DBF files to find the increase to achieve the same record-update feature to delete all at once to find out, and read the file. Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 2.79mb
Publisher : fairy
File conversion tools, any format of the document will be converted to the form of hexadecimal code is saved to text file, developers can copy the contents of a text file as an array of content out of treatment. Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 87kb
Publisher : 流星
A small tool to clear the temporary files for VC, to convert VC prpject in ver 7.0 to ver 6.0, to view the current process in system. Update : 2025-03-03
Size : 715kb
Publisher : along