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Zopfli a new compression algorithm is compatible with zlib (gzip, deflate) compressor, the compressor compresses needed more time (approximately 100 times slower), but the compression rate is 5 better than zlib compressi
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 153kb Publisher : 刘明

IO multiplexing epoll summary, client and server side
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 778kb Publisher : jie

MFCNetAssistTEST 仿网络调试助手 MFC版 别人写的 有用的话点赞哦
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 17.22mb Publisher : 李七夜

Based gh0st of a remote control, all functions are moving up! Interested can look
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 78.28mb Publisher : 吴金波

翻译 本光盘为《精通Visual Basic.NET网络编程》配书光盘,提供了本书第2~13章的实例源代码。读者需要安装Visual Bascic.NET或更高版本才能将它们打开。声明:本光盘中的源程序以及资源文件仅可作为学习和参考之用,未经许可不得用于任何商业等其他用途。 135/5000 The CD-ROM proficient Visual Basic.NET network programming with CD-ROM, p
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 365kb Publisher : Yanghai

The CD-ROM proficient Visual Basic.NET network programming with CD-ROM, provides the book chapters 4 to 6 examples of source code. Readers are required to install Visual Basic .NET or later to open them. Disclaimer: This
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 371kb Publisher : Yanghai

The CD-ROM proficient Visual Basic.NET network programming with CD-ROM, provides the book chapters 7 to 9 examples of source code. Readers are required to install Visual Basic .NET or later to open them. Disclaimer: This
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 325kb Publisher : Yanghai

The CD-ROM proficient Visual Basic.NET network programming with CD-ROM, provides the book chapters 10 to 11 examples of source code. Readers are required to install Visual Basic .NET or later to open them. Disclaimer: T
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 257kb Publisher : Yanghai

The CD-ROM proficient Visual Basic.NET network programming with CD-ROM, provides the book chapters 12 to 13 examples of source code. Readers are required to install Visual Basic .NET or later to open them. Disclaimer: Th
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 491kb Publisher : Yanghai

C# ultra-powerful remote desktop and network monitoring, can be used directly, the source support secondary development, the super powerful 1
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 777kb Publisher : 谭志嘉

a source code to connect to an WEP network
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 1kb Publisher : cyber

a source code for hx711 interfaced with load ce
Update : 2025-03-16 Size : 1kb Publisher : cyber
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