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SourceCode OS program

OS program List Page 41

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Description: AP6212wifi driver source code related information, suitable for Android driver development
Platform: | Size: 1022976 | Author: pudu89 | Hits:

[Crack Hack暴力密码破解

Description: Simple digital password cracking is suitable for cracking six bit passwords.
Platform: | Size: 123904 | Author: 清风19820 | Hits:


Description: Platform code, for your reference, thank you.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: jason004 | Hits:


Description: A case of speech recognition of iFlyTEK
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: qdli | Hits:

[OS program7335398

Description: QQ game landlords to remember the card device easy language source code! Attached to the writing module!
Platform: | Size: 762880 | Author: Madyline | Hits:

[Linux-Unix[LTE] LTE基本架构 - CSDN博客

Description: Network simulation programming using NS3, the choice here is LTE simulation programming, [LTE] LTE infrastructure - CSDN blog
Platform: | Size: 640000 | Author: star_li | Hits:


Description: Large number processing in RSA algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Honrun | Hits:

[OS programQStudio-Setup-v2.2.4

Description: Write C language programming tools.
Platform: | Size: 2695168 | Author: shoulid | Hits:


Description: BDD algorithm programming, various BDD related interfaces, but may not help much, the content is messy
Platform: | Size: 765952 | Author: DDZhan | Hits:

[Linux-Unix付费阅读 高级版5.0.5.1

Description: Special functions: 1. support the duration of free viewing / listening when audio and video are paid. 2. support member functions; 3. support the applicant; 4. support mobile phone publishes articles; 5. support the clas
Platform: | Size: 6965248 | Author: 安清之子 | Hits:

[Linux-Unix志汇超级跑腿 1.6.0

Description: Note: This module needs to match with Chi Hui - Super takeout can be used. Main functions: 1, the distribution staff to enter 2, distribution staff grab the bill.
Platform: | Size: 1350656 | Author: 安清之子 | Hits:


Description: Main functions: Single-store take-out small-program version of multi-store store store version of the store order book dishes, table reservation, sweep payment, offline order sweep order online order O2 O platform queuin
Platform: | Size: 7035904 | Author: 安清之子 | Hits:
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