This article about complete GNU make tools, GNU make to cover the use of grammar. At the same time focus on how to prepare a project Makefile. Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 1.16mb
Publisher : qiuhui
minixml2.5 the latest version. Embedded xml parsing, search, generation, traversal functions, in all the standard c, transplant easily. The latest 2.5, modify a lot of bug. The compression package, download finished, you Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 253.46kb
Publisher : xushuxin
LINUX C++ Developed to write the log function of the source of them, in the new project can be direct and convenient to use only need to call on the WriteLog function on the list. The log is divided into three levels: de Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 2.45kb
Publisher : zuiwengoo
Scheduling information that contains the module 2.1. The latest scheduling 62.2. 62.3 for all shifts. Day-to-day scheduling and Statistics 72.4. Workforce Management 72.5. The frequency allocation of 72.6. Sectoral staff Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 143.64kb
Publisher : chenlonghua