a DES algorithm on the Verilog language, including the realization of the various modules and test modules Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 17kb
Publisher : xkl
in the proceedings by PLAYFAIR (char* s, int length) the realization of encryption and decryption; encryption and decryption principle similar encryption process is the inverse process. It is based on the secret-using co Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 6kb
Publisher : flying840310
under linux kernel-level debugger for debugging the procedures under linux interested in a test might friends Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 1.01mb
Publisher : warshon
encryption chip based on the encryption equipment, including 2 network processor, the drive distinct levels Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 70kb
Publisher :
an encryption and decryption procedures, the use of a simple and efficient algorithm, personal documents security is assured! Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 29kb
Publisher : 张飞
encryption calculator. Dsp This file (the project file) con tains information at the project level and is us ed to build a single project or subproject. Othe r users can share the project (. dsp) file, but they should ex Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 28kb
Publisher : Liaowj
VC.Net prepared using the encryption algorithm, TrribleDes. the algorithm has a higher efficiency in the implementation, encryption speed of around between 3Mb per second, faster! Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 62kb
Publisher : 操家庆