Public key encryption algorithm RSA in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamirh and LenAdleman in (MIT) development. RSA name from the development of their three names. RSA is the most influential public-key encryption algorithm, Update : 2025-03-06
Size : 8kb
Publisher : YCLIU
VPN through the Internet to build a temporary, secure connection for data communication transmission. VPN with encryption technology and key management technology to protect the security of data transmission. Update : 2025-03-06
Size : 3.5mb
Publisher : YCLIU
AMPRNG rev 1.0 - strong and fast PRNG with 80-512 bit key and 80-512 bit IV, based on permutations and one-way functions. Update : 2025-03-06
Size : 7kb
Publisher : Alexander Myasnikov
Res algorithm can achieve the process of encryption and decryption, there are steps to determine the number of large prime Update : 2025-03-06
Size : 20kb
Publisher : 杜杜
AES algorithm C and Delphi to achieve, support 128,192,256-bit code, C implementation for online download, Delphi as my translation according to C, tested fully with each other encryption and decryption. Update : 2025-03-06
Size : 35kb
Publisher : 李健
This is the discrete fractional Fourier, transmission 2D image encryption, as well as the encryption key to decrypt Update : 2025-03-06
Size : 49kb
Publisher : IVY