The Andrews location service LocationManager use, maps need to obtain location information (latitude and longitude) required Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 944kb
Publisher : gzs
The Andrews location service LocationManager use, maps need to obtain location information (latitude and longitude) required Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 941kb
Publisher : gzs
the android video gallery similar picture. . Click on the corresponding project can select a player to play Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 57kb
Publisher : 孙一奇
Android battery monitoring source instance, source code, which includes two versions of the battery monitoring program source Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 99kb
Publisher : superman
android floating window to achieve source code, as an example of reference for the suspended window display monitor content Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 109kb
Publisher : superman
Android call recording module source code, allowing users timely view today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, and communication records of a few days ago, including those not missed calls, received calls, dialed call Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 80kb
Publisher : superman