The NTC thermistor experiment is detailed, which contains the experimental schematic diagram and the DEMO sample program for reference only. Update : 2025-03-05
Size : 322kb
Publisher : Charlez
The reading of RFID data and the k-means clustering analysis of the extracted data, abnormal data alerts, STM32F4 platform can be used directly, only the corresponding pins need to be modified. Update : 2025-03-05
Size : 5.28mb
Publisher : 逐鹿
The STM32F103 chip used in the project is multiplex 12 bits high precision AD acquisition and processing, with FIR filter, the effect precision is very good, absolutely can be used. Update : 2025-03-05
Size : 294kb
Publisher : xiegao12
The STM32F103 chip SPI interface of the project uses the SD card reading and rewriting storage, and the file operates the FAT32 operating system, which is absolutely available. Update : 2025-03-05
Size : 6.52mb
Publisher : xiegao12