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SourceCode Graph program Graph Drawing

Graph Drawing List Page 42

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[Graph Drawingtrthsubgroup

Description: Caiyang demo sampling theorem, the time domain sampling, spectrum cycle continuation good source
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: marley | Hits:

[Graph Drawingline2

Description: The slope of the plot any straight line segments Design CLine linear class, its data members for the straight line segment of P0 starting point coordinates and end coordinates P1, member function to MoveTo () and LineTo
Platform: | Size: 2333696 | Author: 刘新义 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingnavh_uach_CalculatePXTheta

Description: CalculatePXTheta- Calculate the aim-listed probability of each pixel b
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: LAR!777 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingasenmodule

Description: Cdma2000 downward even road simulation module recommend a matlab modules
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: arrrf | Hits:

[Graph Drawingtap_header

Description: DCT transform+ spread spectrum watermarking algorithm Watermark for sequence then, recommend some good
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: nrtclle | Hits:

[Graph Drawingaigorithmindependent

Description: FastICA algorithm, the use of matlab language, independent component analysis tool, is very good,
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: srfantqcs | Hits:

[Graph Drawingmultilevzc-floating

Description: Feature scaling for kernel Fisher discriminant analysis usin
Platform: | Size: 496640 | Author: flbwldw | Hits:

[Graph Drawingyhrlan359

Description: G- P algorithm to calculate the correlation of the Matlab program (updated version, tex-mex function, super fast) good is very good
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: NIMP_421967 | Hits:

[Graph Drawing2270025

Description: Gaussian Mixture Utilities Gaussian Mixture Utilities
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: Mileu | Hits:

[Graph Drawing33356743

Description: GM (1, 1) program, want to use is what, predictable, there are detailed instructions, it is easy to understand!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Dtcfwo | Hits:

[Graph Drawingtheimoljmyntation

Description: Jpeg2000 of matlab upon, including the implementation of the PPT, for image processing and jpeg2000 encrypted upon
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: dertymp | Hits:

[Graph Drawing74007684

Description: Kalman filtering GUI (matlab6. 5) m code in good m_files directory
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: fijurt | Hits:
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