flame particle system design for a special category of flame can change the effects of various parameters Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 347kb
Publisher : leo
Motion Blur (Motion Blur) Effect Demonstration (OGL) for the use of hardware features to achieve this effect is abroad and share code Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 142kb
Publisher : leo
particle system demonstration program is a particle system to the general design approach in hopes of giving you some help Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 513kb
Publisher : leo
Ne-He OpenGL series of tutorial classes 1-20 VB source code. Includes Opengl use of the source document. Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 2.09mb
Publisher : 小韩月
This program draws a pyramid with a reddish fountain in the middle which contains wavy Wate r, and sprays out blue particles (well it was SUPPO SED to look like water. lol). There is also a red globe in the center of al Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 83kb
Publisher : ~{T4Bk~}
This is a 3d particle engine written in five minutes ... literally. It is written on tutorials, but is a completely original work. It displays a total of 10,000 particles, and each has a random shade of blue as a color, Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 5kb
Publisher : ~{T4Bk~}
OpenGL programming based on the OpenGL many basic knowledge, are suitable for beginners to get started Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 281kb
Publisher : 张大发
OpenGL routines can be put through mouse mobile graphics to a specific location can be controlled through a menu Update : 2025-03-21
Size : 1.91mb
Publisher : 王瑜