in opengl process control Ktschau animation, special procedures required for the operation of the environment, it may be incomplete document, not run Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 1.57mb
Publisher : 刘晓强
the procedures opengl scene introduced a 3d model, VC school can not run, because it is only given sample code, no 3D model Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 1.52mb
Publisher : 刘晓强
CAEL stands for Cellular Automata Engine (Life). It runs a cellular automata simulation with a set of rules that can be Conway s game of life but can be changed to run a wide variety of other cellular automata systems as Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 8kb
Publisher :
No. 1 on the use of graphics texture example is the second fighter test OpenGL source is the third missile test launch is the fourth simulated rain floated down Fifth is the simulation of smoke have disappeared from the Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 8.56mb
Publisher : 陈成
scene for roaming, virtual reality can take a look. Main elements of a simulation of the flight of the aircraft, including the flight, firing bullets, such as flame spray. VC tools and OpenGL Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 372kb
Publisher : 李玲
one of the OpenGL source code, it is still useful, inside the code in considerable detail, the use of OpenGL for a greater help, I spent a large-scale development time to it, huh hope we will study together to improve Update : 2025-03-20
Size : 83kb
Publisher : 解放