this paper introduces the development of Lattice-Boltzmann Method and it's basic equations. Besides, it also shows us some kinds of boundary conditions about it. Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 94kb
Publisher : ahuang
This book introduce the theory of lattice boltzmann methods alone with it's boundary conditions,models and numerical methods. It's really a book for us to learn and use. Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 21.3mb
Publisher : ahuang
1. set the number of individuals in the population and the number of iterations required. 2. select the individual in the parent to evolve according to formulas z1=sqrt (-2*ln (U1)), *sin (2*pi*u2), *m, z2=sqrt (-2*ln (U Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 1kb
Publisher : Maxxxxx
Newton method used to solve the optimal point, mainly for solving the two function, for non two function also applies, the effect is not good. Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 1kb
Publisher : kankan
GAMER is a GPU-accelerated Adaptive MEsh Refinement Code for astrophysical applications. Currently the code solves the hydrodynamics with self-gravity. By taking advantage of the extraordinary performance of GPUs, up to Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 254kb
Publisher : hua2005
RAMSES-GPU is a general-purpose Hydrodynamics (HD) and Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) simulation code primarily written for astrophysics applications. It allows to run very large simulations (up to grids of size 4096^3) on Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 2.85mb
Publisher : hua2005
REEF3D is an open-source computational fluid dynamics program. With a strong focus on hydraulic, coastal, offshore and environmental engineering, as well as Marine CFD, the use of the level-set method enables it to calcu Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 1.5mb
Publisher : hua2005
OpenFVM is a general CFD solver released under the GPL license. It was developed to simulate the flow in complex 3D geometries. Therefore, the mesh can be unstructured and contain control volumes with arbitrary shape. Th Update : 2025-03-17
Size : 263kb
Publisher : hua2005