Use AFEPack package for solving variable coefficient elliptic quadratic equation. In solving this problem, the first to organize the structure of the procedure will change coefficient of quadratic terms added to the list Update : 2025-03-19
Size : 4kb
Publisher : 崔峰
Use AFEPack package for solving parabolic equations of a simple example. AFEPack mainly used to clarify the use of. Update : 2025-03-19
Size : 2kb
Publisher : 崔峰
Based on the previous upload of the variable coefficient elliptic equations example, to join the moving mesh module, the grid will be more focused on the numerical solution of a weak intermittent position. The moving mes Update : 2025-03-19
Size : 5kb
Publisher : 崔峰
Will solve the partial differential equations and local mesh refinement simple combinations together. Used equation is a quadratic coefficient of containing discontinuous elliptic equations, the location of discontinuity Update : 2025-03-19
Size : 3kb
Publisher : 崔峰
The basis of known data on the weight of the data fitting, if the data should not give the weight for data on the default weight is 1. This method is based on least-squares fitting carried out. Update : 2025-03-19
Size : 1kb
Publisher : 罗正平
Description of laquo: Suppose you want to arrange a batch of events in enough venues and want to use as few venues as possible. Design an effective one The greedy algorithm is arranged. The problem is actually a famous c Update : 2025-03-19
Size : 20kb
Publisher : newheroin
Function name: crc-16 Process Function prototype: INT16U make_crc16(INT8U *msgaddr,INT8U datalen) Function: CRC check and generate CRC code. This function only affects the global variable crc16. The checksum is placed in Update : 2025-03-19
Size : 1kb
Publisher : liu