1, MD5String, MD5File, MD5Print. 4 MD5Match this function is called for. The other is used to support several functions Functions. 2, MD5String string of encryption. 3, MD5File encryption to the document. 4, MD5Print enc Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 16.42kb
Publisher : kingsay
zhengtu store source code, there is no automatic search function, they need to be added, directly with the need for tools to support Memory Search Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 460.03kb
Publisher : pj
test version of H.264 coding : Based on TI TMS320DM642 development of the encoder; The encoder is only suitable for testing of its coding functions, not suitable for production. The encoder all the property of the Compan Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 901.32kb
Publisher : jiwen