C language library functions simple color copy it to the installation location of the compiler " include" folder, you can call. If can not find the location, direct search stdio.h, and this document together on t Update : 2025-03-10
Size : 3kb
Publisher : 陈文
Keyboard buffer residual information problems scanf (" c" , & c) sentence does not receive characters, what causes it? We use printf (" c = d \ n" , c) int represented by the C Enable printf (" c = Update : 2025-03-10
Size : 3kb
Publisher : 陈文
Based on the VS2005 extensions IT++ of ofdm modulation and demodulation, conduct random binary after ofdm qpsk modulation modulation through AWGN channel after demodulation. Update : 2025-03-10
Size : 1.98mb
Publisher : GK
Wireless communication system simulation: IT++ analysis and examples. LET engineering simulation code, the main function implementation file LTE.cpp, sending receiver header files and implementation files Tranceiver.h Tr Update : 2025-03-10
Size : 4.55mb
Publisher : GK