A descendant of the TToolBar component (D3, C3, & D4) that adds a "maximize - restore" button. This mimics the behavior of the toolbar in Netscape Communicator. Clicking the button makes the toolbar small, hiding its con Update : 2025-03-18
Size : 17kb
Publisher : vtolentino
This component is an evolution of original ProgressBar from Win95. You can now change colors of background, frame and the progress bar and the best of all bar can look very cool with it s gradient colors. Update : 2025-03-18
Size : 11kb
Publisher : vtolentino
TStatusBarPro is an improved version of Borland s StatusBar. Each status panel in this status bar can have its own image, hint, popup menu, click event and double click event. In addition, TStatusBarPro accepts other co Update : 2025-03-18
Size : 12kb
Publisher : vtolentino
S terrific plug-in has been written quite well understood right right touch plug-written some pretty good insight Update : 2025-03-18
Size : 237kb
Publisher : 陈松彬