Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
To d e sig ng oods tructureo fO penSSLc omponent,th eth esisan alyzesO penSSL s
structure and programming procedure in detail, and then finds the reasons about
defects. The thesis expatiates on COM technology and ATL library, and discusses
their advantages. Based on the two points, the thesis discusses encapsulation s
advantages and reasons. To consider traditional users and other users who are
accustomedto 。场ect-orientm ethod,tw ok indso fth inkinga rep resented.T hefi rstis
mapping method and the second is object-orient method. Visual Studio 2003 and
ATL7 .0l ibrary aret hed evelopmente nvironmenta ndt ool.B ecauseo fO penSSLa nd
ATUssp ecialty,th erear es omep roblemsp resentw hilee ncapsulatingO penSSL.T he
thesis proposes a solution for these problems, and implements encapsulation