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  • Update : 2012-11-26
  • Size : 84kb
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  • Author :孙***
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/* * Simulated annealing and the Symetric * Euclidian Traveling Salesman Problem. * * Solution based on local search heuristics for * non-crossing paths and nearest neighbors * * Storage Requirements: n^2+4n ints * * Problem: given the coordinates of n cities in the plane, find a * permutation pi_1, pi_2, ..., pi_n of 1, 2, ..., n that minimizes * sum for 1<=i<n D(pi_i,pi_i+1), where D(i,j) is the euclidian * distance between cities i and j * * Note: with n cities, there is (n-1)!/2 possible tours. * factorial(10)=3628800 factorial(50)=3E+64 factorial(150)=5.7E+262 * If we could check one tour per clock cycle on a 100 MHZ computer, we * would still need to wait approximately 10^236 times the age of the * universe to explore all tours for 150 cities. * * gcc-O4-o tsp tsp.c-lm tsp | ghostview- * * Usage: tsp [-v] [n=dd] [s=dd] [filename] * -v : verbose * n= : nb of cities (cities generated randomly on E^2
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