Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This paper p ropo sed a new type of feat ure ext raction arit hmetic for text ure image,based on paramet rical
log2polar t ranslation.This arit hmetic is robust to geo met ric distortions.During t he feat ure ext raction,t he
autocorrelatio n image was int roduced to eliminate t he effect of t ranslatio n,while t he imp roved log2polar was used to
eliminate t he effect s of rotation and scaling.In t he ret rieval p rocess,a set of inco mplete t ree st ruct ured wavelet
t ransform of t he log2polar t ransformed autocorrelation image was used to measure similarity of text ure images.The
experiment result s showed t hat t he average ret rieval rates of t his arit hmetic is abo ut 81.05 ,which is robust to t he
geomet ric disto rtio ns as compared wit h t he typical algorit hms.