Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
nurbs covers the basic algorithm, it can copy directly to the source process. Table of Contents Chapter 2 Bezier Curves Chapt er three B-Spline Curves Chapter 4 Rational B-splin e (NURBS) Chapter 5 Bezier Curves Surfaces Chapdelaine ter six B-spline Surfaces Chapter 7 Rational B-sp line (NURBS) Surfaces
Packet : 89346504anintroductiontonurbsccode.rar filelist
An Introduction to NURBS C Code\
An Introduction to NURBS C Code\
An Introduction to NURBS C Code\
An Introduction to NURBS C Code\
An Introduction to NURBS C Code\
An Introduction to NURBS C Code\
An Introduction to NURBS C Code\readme.txt
An Introduction to NURBS C Code