Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Supports the following methods:
Next - Next song
Prev - Previous song
Play - Play
Pause - Pause
Stop - Stop
VolumeUp - Increment volume by a certain number
VolumeDn - Decrement volume by a certain number
FastForward - Fast forward song by x seconds
Rewind - Rewind song x seconds
SearchAndPlay - Search for and play a song in the current playlist
GetShuffle - Get the shuffle bool for the current playlist
ToggleShuffle - Toggle the shuffle for the current playlist
SetShuffle - Set the shuffle for the current playlist
GetRepeat - Get the repeat mode for the current playlist
SetRepeat - Set the repeat mode for the current playlist
SetPlaylist - Switch to and start playing the specified playlist
GetCurTrackInfo - Get the current track information (author, title, bitrate, album, etc...)