Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
8* 8 chess board on a horse, just walk outside than from the other 63 positions each time, and finally back
To the starting point. This line is called Hamilton a horse travel routes. For a given m* n chess board, m
And n are even greater than 5, and | mn | ≤ 2, the partition algorithm to design a test to find a horse of Hamilton travel routes.
Programming tasks:
For a given even number m, n ≥ 6, and | mn | ≤ 2, programming computing m* n chess board a horse Hamilton
Travel routes.
The first line of input data are two positive integers m and n, that a given chessboard
By the m lines of n-grid component.
The calculated travel route horse Hamilton 2 with the following expression of the output.
The first one kind of expression is given in accordance with the order of the horse Horse Hamilton travel routes. Horse with each step of the square where
Grid coordinates (x, y) to represent. the coordinates of x that line, numbered 0,1, ..., m-1 y co