Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The camera calibration isoneofmostimportantresearch ifeldsin computervision.In orderto solve the questions of
imprecision,strutting complex model,non-orhustness in the camera calibration.In the paper,a algoirthm of camera calibration
based on BP neuralnetwork and genetic algoirthm isproposed according as characteirstic ofneuralnetwork,genetic algoirthm
and camera claibration.n1e algorithm makesfulluse ofglobalnumericaloptimization characteirsticin genetic algorithm and easily
converging to local minimum in neural newt ork.On the one hand,itdoes not need to build the complex camera imaging model,
on hteotherhand.itisimprovingthe precision and robustnessin the cma era calibration