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Ac co rdi ngt ot hea nalysiso fa vailablem odelsa ndb oilerru nning
conditions, the problems in relation to the on-line calculation for
boiler efficiency and optimization operation can be discussed with
BPn euraln etworki nt histh esis.T her esearchw orkm ainlyc onclude:
The transformation between the industrial analysis results and the
element analysis results of coals based on neural network is discussed.
The concept of the actual results of coal ingredients is put forward
because there are some solid carbon not burned when coals burn in
boiler furnace. The two definitions of the excess air coefficient is
discusses in details. The necessity and methods of modifying the
oxygen content in damp gas are explained when the excess air
coefficient are determined with the results of gas analysis. The
modified on-line calculation model for the boiler efficiency on the
basis of the negative equation way is developed. Neural network
methods to determine the optimum excess air coef