Filename | Size | Update |
IEEE pdfs |
.........\B-LDPC.pdf |
.........\CDMA Networks.pdf |
.........\CDMA random access with packet combining.pdf |
.........\CDMA systems using BPSK over fading channels.pdf |
.........\Downlink CDMA.pdf |
.........\DS-CDMA with auxiliary vector filter single-user multirte detection.pdf |
.........\DS-Spread Spectrum.pdf |
.........\Group Orthogonal Multicareer CDMA.pdf |
.........\GSM-EDGE receivers.pdf |
.........\Inter-Frame | Freq Sync for OFDM receivers.pdf |
.........\MIMO Block Spread CDMA Systems.pdf |
.........\Narrowband Interference in OFDM.pdf |
.........\OFDM |
.........\OFDM with M-PSK.pdf |
.........\....\Channel Synchronization.pdf |
.........\....\Coherent and Differential ICI Cancellation for Mobile OFDM.pdf |
.........\....\Cooperative Communications Protocol for Multiuser OFDM Networks.pdf |
.........\....\ICI equalization for OFDM.pdf |
.........\....\MC-CDMA.pdf |
.........\....\MergePDFs[11].pdf |
.........\....\Multiuser MIMO OFDM.pdf |
.........\....\Multiuser OFDM.pdf |
.........\....\Resource allocation for OFDMA system.pdf |
.........\....\STBC-OFDM.pdf |
.........\....\W-CDMA.pdf |
.........\Quasi-Orthogonal Codes DS-CDMA.pdf |
.........\Rural Helpline.doc |
.........\Rural India.doc |
.........\Selective Mapping and Binary Cyclic Codes in OFDM systems.pdf |
.........\SFBC-OFDM.pdf |
.........\Symmetry-Embedded Spreading Sequences for Multicarrier CDMA.pdf |
.........\Window-Based PN acquisition scheme in CDMA spread spectrum systems.pdf |