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  • Update : 2008-10-13
  • Size : 3.97mb
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  • Author :孟*****
  • About : 孟韩宪峰
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
distance education, including many areas, such as teaching and answering system and examination systems, and so on. One very important aspect is an online examination system, it is also the most difficult to achieve the link. In China, although the distance education has vigorously developed, But now the school and community Most of the examinations using the traditional test methods, and in this way, organize an examination after at least five steps that the topic of artificial Candidates examination, artificial markers. performance assessment and analysis of the papers. Clearly, as the type of examination and examination growing demand continues to improve, the workload of teachers will grow larger and larger. and whose work will be a very cumbersome and very easy things go wrong, It can
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Packet : 1985484yuanchengkaoshixitong.rar filelist
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\_desktop.ini
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\ADMIN\CONN.ASP
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\ADMIN\KQLB2.HTM
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\ADMIN\KQLB3.HTM
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\ADMIN\MGSCORE.ASP
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\ADMIN\mgsubject.asp
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\IMAGES
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\mnst2down[1]
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1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\TEST.ASP
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code\_desktop.ini
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\zxks-code
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\_desktop.ini
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\使用说明.txt
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\开发环境说明.txt
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\论文.doc
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\论文.rar
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)\运行环境说明.txt
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\毕业设计-陈剑秋(017051828)
1) 远程教育在线考试系统\远程教育在线考试系统 asp + sql.jpg
1) 远程教育在线考试系统
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