Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
MATLAB GPS SCRIPTS-- Charles Meertens and Doug Miller, U. Utah 3Jan95
These scripts were developed for/during a class in GPS and Active Tectonics
Department of Geology and Geophysics, U. Utah, Spring, 1994
EXAMPLE RINEX Files (the only ones guaranteed to work this release)
Main Program scripts:
gpshora.m -- function to calculate Modified Julian Day, Homework#1
HW2.m -- Homework#2 read RINEX observation file and plot C/A code vrs. time
HW3_plt.m-- Homework#3 read RINEX navigation file, plot satellite positions
HW3_3dplt.m-- Same as HW3_plt.m, but 3d position plots
HW4.m-- Homework#4 calculate and plot station position as function of time
Functions called:
calc_nav.m-- calculate satellite position
calc_pos1.m-- calculate station position
constants.m-- GPS constants
coords.m-- convert x,y,z coordinates to lat, long, height
date2j.m-- calculate MDJ
eccenr.m-- calculate "E" anomally
read_nav.m-- Read RINEX Nav file