Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
In dig ital subtr action ang io gr aphy ( DSA) , the co nt rast of the v essels is gr eatly improv ed w ith the injectio n
of contrast medium. In addit ion, mo re clear vessels can be visualized by eliminating the imag es o f non vessel or gans,
and those imag es ar e called subtr action imag e o r DSA. Therefo re, DSA is o f w ide use for diag no sis o f car dio vascular
disease. Subtr action of imag es o bt ained befo re and after injection of contrast medium may cr eat e mo tion art ifacts due
to the aspiratio n o f pat ient s. In this reg ard, being motiv ated by the docto rs ex per ience that t he displacement of dia
phragm can be used as the reference to measur e the hear t beat, we present a method to eliminate the mot ion ar tifacts.
In o ur method, fir stly , a set of DSA imag es are taken befo re injection o f contr ast medium, w hich are called mask
images! and one imag e taken after injection o f contrast is called targ et image! . Seco