Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This paper analyzes the performance of phase
feedback, quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes (QOSTBC)
and Extended OSTBC systems in the presence of
feedback delay, feedback error and amount of channel
feedback. Space-time code constructed for nT transmit
antennas can easily be extended to nT×p antennas transmit
based on a feedback of only p-1 bits. This paper shows that
more feedback bits (more than p-1 bits) in ideal system
(EOSTBC system with no feedback delay and no feedback
error) cause no more considerable performance in the
system. But in the inaccurate feedback information with
increasing feedback bits from p-1 bits decrease sensitivity of
system and increase performance considerably. This paper
obtains an upper bound for phase feedback error respect to
number of feedback bits. Moreover it shows that the system
can select adaptively one of the three modes, phase only
feedback, EO-STBC and QO-STBC with respect to
reliability and amount of feedback information.