Filename | Size | Update |
老友记word版剧本中英文对照\1001 The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss.doc |
..........................\1002 The One Where Ross Is Fine.doc |
..........................\1003 The One With Ross's Tan.doc |
..........................\1004 The One With The Cake.doc |
..........................\1005 The One Where Rachel's Other Sister Babysits.doc |
..........................\1006 The One With Ross's Grant.doc |
..........................\1007 The One With The Home Study.doc |
..........................\1008 The One With The Late Thanksgiving.doc |
..........................\1009 The One With The Birth Mother.doc |
..........................\101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot-The Uncut Version).doc |
..........................\1010 The One Where Chandler Gets Caught.doc |
..........................\1011 The One Where The Stripper Cries.doc |
..........................\1012 The One With Phoebe's Wedding.doc |
..........................\1013 The One Where Joey Speaks French.doc |
..........................\1014 The One With Princess Consuela.doc |
..........................\1015 The One Where Estelle Dies.doc |
..........................\1016 The One With Rachel's Going Away Party.doc |
..........................\1017-1018 - The Last One.doc |
..........................\102 The One With the Sonogram at the End.doc |
..........................\103 The One With the Thumb.doc |
..........................\104 The One With George Stephanopoulos.doc |
..........................\105 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent.doc |
..........................\106 The One With the Butt.doc |
..........................\107 The One With the Blackout.doc |
..........................\108 The One Where Nana Dies Twice.doc |
..........................\109 The One Where Underdog Gets Away.doc |
..........................\110 The One With the Monkey.doc |
..........................\111 The One With Mrs. Bing.doc |
..........................\112 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes.doc |
..........................\113 The One With the Boobies.doc |
..........................\114 The One With the Candy Hearts.doc |
..........................\115 The One With the Stoned Guy.doc |
..........................\116 The One With Two Parts | part 1.doc |
..........................\117 The One With Two Parts | Part 2.doc |
..........................\118 The One With All The Poker.doc |
..........................\119 The One Where the Monkey Gets Away.doc |
..........................\120 The One With the Evil Orthodontist.doc |
..........................\121 The One With The Fake Monica.doc |
..........................\122 The One With the Ick Factor.doc |
..........................\123 The One With the Birth.doc |
..........................\124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out.doc |
..........................\201 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend.doc |
..........................\202 The One With the Breast Milk.doc |
..........................\203 The One Where Mr. Heckles Dies.doc |
..........................\204 The One With Phoebe's Husband.doc |
..........................\205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant.doc |
..........................\206 The One With the Baby on the Bus.doc |
..........................\207 The One Where Ross Finds Out.doc |
..........................\208 The One With the List.doc |
..........................\209 The One With Phoebe's Dad.doc |
..........................\210 The One With Russ.doc |
..........................\211 The One With the Lesbian Wedding.doc |
..........................\212 The One After the Superbowl part 1.doc |
..........................\213 The One After the Superbowl part 2.doc |
..........................\214 The One With the Prom Video.doc |
..........................\215 The One Where Rachel and Ross... You Know.doc |
..........................\216 One Where Joey Moves Out.doc |
..........................\217 The One Where Eddie Moves In.doc |
..........................\218 The One Where Dr. Remore Dies.doc |
..........................\219 The One Where Eddie Won't Go.doc |
..........................\220 The One Where Old Yeller Dies.doc |
..........................\221 The One With the Two Bullie |