In this paper, we analyze the performance of spectrum sensing based on energy detection. We do not assume the exact noise variance is known a priori. Instead, an estimated noise variance is used to calculate the threshol Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 218kb
Publisher : dr_ahmed
MATLAB realization of discrete systems. Learning methods for solving systems using matlab frequency response learning methods for solving systems using matlab output response Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 94kb
Publisher : 李菊
Familiar with the MATLAB command window. MATLAB grasp some basic operations, to carry out general numerical calculation. Achieve reconciliation statement heavy modifications. Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 13kb
Publisher : 李菊
Master matrix and an array of general operations, including create, save, modify, and recalls. Learning addition and subtraction and multiplication of matrices and arrays. Mastery of the search and the assignment of elem Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 13kb
Publisher : 李菊
MATLAB mastered basic drawing commands. Master the use of MATLAB to draw a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional graphics methods. To the graphics to be modified. Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 206kb
Publisher : 李菊
Learning MATLAB relational and logical operations, control their expression in the form and usage. Master MATLAB selection structure and loop structure. Learn to write and call the M-file with MATLAB. Update : 2025-03-16
Size : 13kb
Publisher : 李菊