Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
VC write small software can be used to generate lottery order, revealed that copies generated sequence, convenience 100730 friends.
Packet : 87361040caipiaozuhe_v1.3.rar filelist
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.clw
zhuhe V1.3\ReadMe.txt
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.h
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.cpp
zhuhe V1.3\StdAfx.h
zhuhe V1.3\StdAfx.cpp
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.dsw
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.plg
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.rc
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.opt
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.ncb
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.dsp
zhuhe V1.3\zhuheDlg.cpp
zhuhe V1.3\zhuhe.aps
zhuhe V1.3\res\zhuhe.rc2
zhuhe V1.3\res\zhuhe.ico
zhuhe V1.3\res\OEMLINKICON.ICO
zhuhe V1.3\res
zhuhe V1.3\Debug\zhuhe(输出无排序).exe
zhuhe V1.3\Debug\zhuhe(输出有排序).exe
zhuhe V1.3\Debug
zhuhe V1.3\Release\zhuhe(输出有排序).exe
zhuhe V1.3\Release\zhuhe(输出无排序).exe
zhuhe V1.3\Release
zhuhe V1.3\Resource.h
zhuhe V1.3\zhuheDlg.h
zhuhe V1.3