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  • Category : Industry research
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  • Update : 2012-11-26
  • Size : 701kb
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
There are thousands of years of human history, from creation to the computer but now 50 years, the rapid development of the network but also 10 years. However, the computer and network impact on society has been rapidly expanding, even in changing people s lives. Especially since the 90 s, multimedia and the rapid development of network technology is changing at an alarming rate the way people work, communication and lifestyle. As the famous futurist Nicholas Negroponte (1997) said: "Digital is no longer the only and calculated, which determines our survival." Science and technology are primary productive forces, is the most advanced productive forces. Now, no one doubts the development of information technology, human society will lead to a comprehensive and profound changes, the human society from industrial society into the information society. At present, the social aspects of industrial society emerged with significantly different characteristics. Online bookstore, online hospital
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