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Software] Saliency Map Algorithm : MATLAB Source Code
Below is MATLAB code which computes a salience/saliency map for an image or image sequence/video (either Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) or the standard Itti, Koch, Niebur PAMI 1998 saliency map). See the included readme file for details. I also have a newer, simpler version implementing only the Itti algorithm (see simpsal/readme.txt).
Please try it out and email me if you have any questions.
Please select one of the following to download:
This package includes an implementation of the full GBVS algorithm. It also lets you compute an Itti, Koch, Niebur saliency map. It includes a function for computing the ROC score between eye-movements (provided as x,y fixation points) and a saliency map, and a function for displaying a saliency map overlayed on top of an image (as in the screenshot below).
Right after you download the zip file, you must change into the gbvs/ directory and run: