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Location : Home Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms Compress-Decompress algrithms
  • Category : Compress-Decompress algrithms
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  • Update : 2008-10-13
  • Size : 254.27kb
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  • Author :huan*****
  • About : huangfeng
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
1. Requirements analysis: 1) input form and input range: The input form is the file path to compress (or decompress), the input range is a string, and if the file path is. 2) output form: Output the corresponding encoding compression file and decode the original file 3) functions that the program can achieve: Using Huffman to do long coding for ASCII files, it achieves compression file. Use the traversal of the haffman tree to extract the purpose of the decompression document. The function of the program is to achieve the purpose of compressing and decompressing the ASCII type file. 4) test data: (including correct input data and output results and errors in input and output results) Whether the test input or output text box is available is not a valid path. Make conditional judgment and implement error handling. For example, to compress: c:\a.txt file path is: c:\a.t xt. If the input box is empty, judge and use MessageBox to process the information. If the file path and the output path of the file are written correctly, the corresponding compression or unzip file is output, otherwise the function MessageBox prompts the error. And then make corrections. 2. Summary design: 1) the characteristics of the haffman tree A) it's one of the binary trees, and it's a binary tree that has no degree B) if a tree has n leaves, it will use 2n-1 nodes C) one of the "optimal" binary trees, because the tree's right path (WPL) is the smallest D) because it is constructed from the bottom to the top, the branch and leaf nodes are arranged from the bottom to the top
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复件 (2) 课程设计报告.doc
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