Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The ouput is the TE/TM band structure (first five bands) along pricipal
directions (G-X-M-G) of a square-lattice photonic crystal with unit cell
consisting of a substrate of "epb" relative permittivity with circular
rods(holes) of "epa" relative permittivity and radius "r".
Usage is
N: N in PWE algorithm (number at which the summations are truncated)
RES: number of the divisions on every side of BZ#1
r: normalized radius of the circle of holes/rods (0<r<0.5)
epa: relative permittivity of holes/rods
epb: relative permittivity of the substrate
Written by Amir Hosseini
for the Course Photonic Crystals
(C) Copyright 2005
School of Electrical Engineering
Sharif University of Technology
All Rights Reserved