Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Button-tansparent: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText OffsetRect CFont SetTextColor SetBkColor DrawText DrawState SendMessage SetWindowText ZeroMemory MultiByteToWideChar CComboBox DragAcceptFiles DragQueryFile LocalAlloc LocalFree DragFinish CStringArray CClientDC SaveDC GetSystemMetrics RestoreDC GetFileType GetPath DeleteObject CStatic object as usual the MessageBeep SetBkMode the GetStockObject the RedrawWindow the SetCursor the SetWindowLong the CreateFontIndirect the IsWindow the GetWindowRect