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The 51 microcontroller project set: 1. Basis of Project 1-P0 port drive LED flashes items- Marquee project 3-P0 port drive a digital display Item 4- SCM interrupt system project 5- timer counter application project- SCM Key Item 7- digital dynamic display Item 8- electronic table program design projects 9- serial communication project 10- stepper motor. improve Project application project 2-D_A the 1-A_D converter converter application project- digital temperature sensor DS18B20 application project 4-I2C bus device application project 5- character LCD1602 project- Real-time clock chip DS1302 Project 7- Chinese character display the 12864 applications 3. Comprehensive Project- SCM infrared receiver the decoding program design project- electronic calendar policy program Item 3 of the package and simulation files- VB-based host computer program design projects- MCU-based power supply design